James River Writers

WRITERS WEDNESDAY February 2022 – Critique Partners Speed Dating (Special Edition!)

YOU ASKED; WE’RE ANSWERING! One of the most frequently asked questions we get from writers is “How can I find a good critique partner?” While our best answer is always to plug into a writing community (like JRW!) and see who you feel most connected to and are able to develop a good relationship with, we do know that we all sometimes need prompting! To start the ball rolling, we are hosting JRWs first ever “CRITIQUE PARTNERS SPEED DATING” event during our February Writers Wednesday. We will split folks up into groups of two, using breakout rooms, where you’ll have the opportunity to talk with as many folks, one-on-one, as time allows. Every five minutes, we will change partners, giving you the opportunity to ask your own questions, or use prompts that we will provide that we hope will help you. Before breakout rooms begin, we’ll give you some pointers and explain what, exactly, a critique partner is, and what different roles they can play in your writing journey. As always, JRW staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about James River Writers, or writing in general. For those of you that want to come and enjoy the traditional socializing and networking of Writers Wednesday, you can stay with the JRW staff and chat, or we will create a separate breakout room for those of you that do not wish to participate in the critique partners speed dating. Plan to join us!

Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Location: Online, in the comfort of your own home. Via the Zoom Platform

Cost: FREE!

Registration closes at midnight, February 8.

Link to join will be sent to registrants the morning of the program.

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