James River Writers

New at the 2014 James River Writers Conference: Critiques!

One of the unique aspects of the James River Writers Conference is that it has something for everyone. No matter what the next step in your writing journey may be, you will find something helpful at the conference. Our job is to help you meet your writing goals. With this in mind, we’ve added a new opportunity to the conference this year: critiques.

Ann Rittenberg

Over the years, people have told us how much they love the chance to meet one-on-one with an agent or editor. Unlike other conferences, this meeting is offered to conference goers without any extra fee. The one-on-one appointments are designed to give writers an opportunity to pitch their latest manuscript to a publishing professional. However, we also know that some writers are not quite ready to pitch; they would rather work on their craft a bit more. That’s where critiques come in. Two very experienced agents have each agreed to critique five

Tanya McKinnon

manuscripts at the conference. Ann Rittenberg will critique pages from five fiction manuscripts and Tanya McKinnon will critique pages from five children or young adult manuscripts. Each agent has requested a little different submission format, so please carefully read the guidelines on the conference website. The deadline to submit is August 15. Conference organizers will choose the top ten manuscripts, set up the appointments for the conference, and notify the writers. We’re very excited about this and other new features of the 2014 James River Writers Conference! Follow all the announcements and updates on Twitter and Facebook: #JRW14.

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