James River Writers

Michele J. Rolle

Michele J. Rolle is a mammography health care specialist in Richmond and has been compassionately committed for more than 25 years to educating and mentoring women in the value of breast health. Her article “The Power of Caring for Others” on domestic violence was recently published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch weekly feature “In her Shoes.”

In her debut memoir, Invisible WarriorMichele provides a valuable, historical account of growing up as an African American in New York’s failed housing experiment from the early 1960s until the late 1970s. Melissa P. Gay, author of the blog This Common Reader, caught up with Michele on the eve of her book launch in September 2012. 


When did you discover you were a writer?

I discovered I was a writer when I realized how easily and expressively the words seem to flow when I wrote school essays as a teenager. An essay I submitted evoked such a surprising and encouraging reaction from my classmates, it was then I knew it would be a profession I would someday pursue.

What influenced your writing?

My father encouraged me to use various reading materials as I learned to read. Those words from my father planted seeds and, later in life, produced a harvest that flourished into my love of the written word. The New York Times and Webster’s Dictionary became my companions.

What kind of writing do you do?

I love writing from the heart, and non-fiction provides an outlet to tell my stories and the stories of others without a voice.

Explain your writing process. What tricks and techniques help you to be both creative and productive ?

I like to think about the subject for several days before I touch the keyboard. Usually the title will come to mind first then the rest comes together like pieces in a puzzle. My memoir is an example of allowing my thoughts to marinate before putting the words on the page — it took seven years to complete it.

What are your thoughts on the self-publishing v. traditional publishing debate?

When I started this journey as a writer, I was naive about the business of writing. However after several years, I have learned that choosing self-publishing over traditional publishing is a choice based on my personal expectations. For this book creative control was very important, and self-publishing met that expectation.

What is the best thing that has happened in your writing career thus far? 

Realizing that the written word is more powerful than the sword! I am fiercely motivated to exercise the freedom of using writing as a tool to encourage, educate and liberate whomever is in need.  The release of Invisible Warrior is the beginning of that endeavor.

What is the worst thing that has happened to you? How did you overcome this challenge?

The worst thing that can happen to anyone is being misunderstood.  My personal goal has been to shatter the stereotypical views that often cause people to be misunderstood.  My hope is that we learn to open the cover of the book before we judge what is inside.

As an author, where do you hope to be in five years?

I hope to be an author of several books that continually speak for those without a voice.  I grew up in silence and as a result became an Invisible Warrior.

Do you have any parting words of wisdom for other aspiring authors?

Read, not just what other people are reading. Learn a new word each day. Write from your heart. Dream, because success begins with a dream.

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