James River Writers

Master Class with Literary Agent John Cusick (2014)

On August 29th, JRW will host a Master Class featuring Greenhouse Literary Agent John Cusick.  During the three hour class, Standing Out: Catching and Keeping an Agent, John will work with a small group of participants to identify key strategies to attracting the attention of the right agent and developing a successful relationship.

Registration for the Master Class will be capped at no more than twelve participants, as Mr. Cusick will work directly with each attending writer to hone their query letter and discuss their first two pages.  These items will need to be submitted in advance as double-spaced, 12pt font Microsoft Word documents.  Master Class attendees should be prepared to have their query letter and first pages shared with and critiqued by other class members.

John Cusick

John Cusick joined Greenhouse Literary Agency in January 2013 after several years with a small New York agency, where he began as an assistant and rose to be an agent with a fast-developing client list. As well as being a YA author in his own right, John is a sought-after speaker on writing, both at writers’ conferences and via webinars. You can read his blog here.

John is currently looking for Fiction by North American authors, from Picturebooks and Middle Grade through Young Adult. He is particularly keen to see MG (and maybe YA) for boys. Fast-paced/thrilling/heart-breaking stories. Contemporary realism, historicals, speculative fiction, sci-fi and fresh fantasy, villains with vulnerability, bad decisions with best intentions, boldly imagined worlds, striking imagery, characters with histories, stories about siblings and about middle America.


This class is full, but you still have a chance to learn from John at this month’s Writing Show. 

For more information on the Writing Show, check out our website page. To register, click here.

Date: August 29, 2014

Time: 10am-1pm

Place: St. John’s Church Parish House on Church Hill, 2401 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23223

Cost: $70/members; $110/non-members

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