James River Writers

Master Class: Doing More with Dialogue with Katharine Herndon


The usual advice about writing dialogue sets a pretty high bar: advance the plot, capture your characters\’ voices and reveal something about them, don\’t dump in exposition, and watch out for -ly words. But how do you do all that between two quotation marks? This class will explore the ins and outs of effective dialogue. We\’ll talk about all of the above, plus tag lines and some of the mechanics, like punctuation and capitalization. Author and James River Writers\’ Executive Director Katharine Herndon will walk you through how to get your characters talking without using a bare light bulb or a dungeon cell. We\’ll dissect scenes from the pros and try a few hands-on exercises to limber up your pen. You\’ll leave with a renewed appreciation of what dialogue can do for your story and concrete takeaways for improving it.

Date: Sunday, April 28, 2019

Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Location: Visual Arts Center of Richmond, 1812 W Main St, Richmond, VA 23220

Price: $65 – Members; $80 Non-members


Katharine Herndon

Katharine Herndon is the Executive Director of James River Writers and an enthusiastic advocate for the RVA literary community. She used to teach (English, of course), but the homework got to her, so she took up nonprofit work instead. Previously, she worked for AAA, Walt Disney World, a community college in Florida, and a ranch in Wyoming–pretty much the required random collection of jobs for an author bio. She has a B.A. from Davidson College (in English, of course) and an MA from the University of Florida (in, yes, English/Creative Writing). Her short stories have appeared in several indie-published anthologies, including The Great Richmond Zombie Book and River City Secrets.

Website: kaherndon.com  

Twitter: @kaherndon 

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