James River Writers

2024 JANUARY IN PERSON WRITING SHOW | The Inside Scoop on Bookselling

If you’ve ever wondered how books get into brick and mortar bookstores and if there are any strategies for helping them sell, this Writing Show is for you! JRW invites three area booksellers to the stage to talk about best practices, how and why books get ordered and returned, and tips for making the bookseller/author relationship the best it can be.

Speakers:  Krystle Dandridge, Berkley McDaniel, and Katarina Spears

Moderator:  Dr. DaNika Neblett Robinson

Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Eastern Time

Location: IN PERSON at the New Market Building | 330 S 4th St, Richmond, VA 23219

Cost: $12 Members | $17 Non-members

Registration is required and closes at midnight, January 22.

The Writing Show includes a social time from 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm. This portion of the evening is optional. If you choose to only attend the panel discussion, please arrive in time to find parking and be seated before the panel discussion begins at 6:30 pm.

This Writing Show is sponsored by Podium.

This program is supported in part by the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.




Krystle Dandridge is an avid reader who has learned to value the importance of self-care. The pandemic presented numerous obstacles, and Krystle felt the need to shift gears to focus more on self-care as that became the focus of coping with the constant isolation that was society. Krystle turned to reading more and was eventually pushed to pursue a lifelong dream of owning a bookstore. She created the RVA Book Bar, a space that centers BIPOC authors and brands.




Berkley McDaniel is an owner, buyer, and feeder of store cats Page and Mylar for Shelf Life Books in Carytown, a community favorite for its curated selection of new and used books and for its fun and quirky vibe. Berkley loves reading crime, southern noir, and literary fiction from around the world. In his spare time, he naps.





Kat Spears is a librarian, former bookseller, and author. She also serves as the volunteer bookseller for the James River Writers annual conference.






Dr. DaNika Neblett Robinson is the author of The Metamorphic Journey, a novella that explores three teenage mothers’ quest to succeed. This fictional work is based on her experiences of becoming a teen mom, first-generation college student, and ultimately the recipient of multiple academic degrees, including master’s and doctoral degrees. The Metamorphic Journey is also the name of a movement that DaNika founded to foster individuals’ personal growth. Additionally, she is the founder of Wailing Women Ministries, a nonprofit organization that provides book scholarships to female high school seniors. DaNika is a higher education administrator and expert in transformational leadership who speaks widely about the benefits of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, justice, and leadership in the workplace. She also coauthored an anthology, On Womanhood: Connecting and Thriving in Every Season, featuring personal essays penned by women ages 21 to 72.



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